Why use a Personalized U.R.L. (website page) with my direct mail campaign?

The answer is in the question: because it's PERSONALIZED.

What's the ROI (return on investment) vs. typical direct mailings?

Studies range from the minimum of DOUBLING the response to quadrupling the response. So, we say, expect at least double the response from your normal direct mailing.

purls2cHow Does It Work?

Glad you asked; here's how it works. First, we build a website page with what the person needs to see, include a call to action, and then integrate it with the mailing marketing. It may say something like: "Hi, Barbara!" (OK, so MY name is "Barbara", and I'm a bit fond of it so I used it in my example.)

And, the beauty of this whole thing, is that you can use all the tools available to you from the Internet. You can use a form, have them sign up for something, send them to another website, send them to your Facebook page and so on.

So - use your imagination! Use those skills you've learned in your business! Use the knowledge you have about your customers and/or clients. Combine them with our knowledge of how to work with online databases and websites - and you have a golden opportunity.

Feel free to contact us - real people! Real answers!
