purls1dPersonalized URLs let you combine the power of direct mail with the benefits of the interactive channel. By creating Personalized URLs for each customer, and giving them a unique online destination, you'll convert substantially more direct mail recipients into not only qualified prospects, but lifetime customers.

Capture Attention. Send recipients direct mail offers that feature Personalized URLs. Our platform uses your mailing list to create a unique website path for each mail recipient. It inserts the Personalized URLs into the mail. Personalized URLs display the customer's name, offering positive reinforcement and increased incentive to visit the site. The result is a dramatic increase in response rates.

Capture Responses. The respondent arrives at their customized landing page, with a personalized greeting and information that helps drive immediate response. The user learns more about your offer and can instantly respond to it, request additional information by mail, or even make a purchase without ever leaving the page.

Capture Future Opportunities. Our special URL records the user's actions so that you track the effectiveness of your campaign in real time, generate detailed reports, extend additional offers, and immediately follow up on sales leads. It's a winning, three-step strategy that delivers superior results while continuing to build upon your direct mail campaign.


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